Category: RESEARCH

Fluxus Score Participatory Art Performance – Synchronicity ⏱️

“Synchronicity” A Fluxus Score by Christopher C. Odom Perform with a Timekeeper plus 2 to 7 additional Participants. Requires a timer and a blank TV screen or monitor. Perform score for 3 minutes and 14 seconds. BEGIN SCORE. Timekeeper Say, “Synchronicity.” Start timer. Say, “0 minutes.” At 2 minutes, say, “2 Minutes.” At 3 minutes and 4 seconds, say, “Synchronicity.”…

Is Jenkins Metaphor of Poaching Valid?

In Henry Jenkins book, “Textual Poachers: Television Fans & Participatory Culture,” Jenkins presents the interesting metaphor of TV fans as textual poachers. In short, textual poaching is the action whereby aficionados become so versed and immersed in a text, that they proclaim themselves legitimate experts of the text and thereby create their own contextual meanings which supercede the meanings of…