Having gone to film school three times and being a member of a family where education was held in the highest esteem, obviously I am a fan of becoming film educated. However, I do stress becoming “educated”. School is not the only way to become educated, and in certain situations, there is no official school to learn critical information. Never…
Category: PRINT

Top 10 Most Popular TV Sitcom Ideas
Have you ever had that deja vu feeling of “I’ve seen that before,” while watching your favorite television show? That’s because you probably have seen that before. Most sitcoms (a.k.a. situation comedies) are all variations of 10 basic plots. FULL ARTICLE http://ezinearticles.com/1155799

Are You Ready To Begin A Career As A Professional Screenwriter?
When the studio calls, will you be ready? When pilot season starts, will you be ready? When the next Nicholls Fellowship deadline arrives, will you be ready? When the production company asks for the next great drama, will you be ready? FULL REVIEW http://ezinearticles.com/1167908