Over the years, computers have increasingly become more graphics intensive. Whether it be a graphics intensive game, streaming HD video content or a graphics design program, computers continually need more graphic processing power. If you find that you are having trouble viewing graphic content on your eMachine, you may need more video RAM (VRAM). Published on 2/7/2010 http://www.ehow.com/how_5962757_change-video-ram-emachine.html
Tag: how to
What to Do With a Spare DVR
The home television viewing experience has grown over the last 30 years. Viewers have hundreds of channels to choose from with digital cable. A DVR allows viewers to schedule and record their favorite movies and television shows. With DVR technology improving at a rapid pace, many households will often choose to upgrade to the latest DVR model for the primary…

Will an Antenna Amplifier Work With Analog-to-Digital Converters?
In the early days of television, there were only three networks and only one way to watch them: by over-the-air broadcasts. Today’s viewing experience offers thousands of programming choices, through a multiplicity of methods. Cable, satellite, the Internet and over-the-air signals are common ways of receiving television transmission signals. If you use an analog-to-digital converter box, your options to enhance…